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Alternative Uses for Fire Pit Ashes

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Fire pit ashes have various alternative uses that go beyond simply disposing of them. Here are some ways you can reuse your fire pit ashes:

Remains of an extinguished fire with charred branches and ashes


Wood ashes contain valuable nutrients like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous that can help plants grow strong. They can be added to compost bins or used as a soil conditioner for your garden [2][5][6][7].

Natural cat litter:

Wood ashes can be used as a natural alternative to chemical-based cat litter. Fill the grate with ash and cover it with three inches of sawdust or wood shavings. Replace every two weeks and add more ash if needed [3].

Teeth whitener:

Wood ash has lye in it, which can remove plaque and help whiten teeth. Simply dip your dampened toothbrush into a bit of soft powdery ash and start brushing [1].

Skunk odor fighter:

Ash can be used as a natural skunk odor fighter. Simply spread a layer of ash on the ground where the skunk sprayed. Leave it for a day or two, then sweep it up [4].

Abrasive cleaner:

Wood ash can be used as an abrasive cleaner to remove tarnish from metals and soot from fireplace doors. Create a paste by mixing water into the ashes until it forms a thick slurry-like consistency, then scrub away using cotton clothes while wearing gloves to protect your skin [9][10].

Ice melter:

Ash can be used as an ice melter on your driveway and sidewalks. Simply spread a thin layer of ash over the icy area [2].

pH balance of the soil:

Wood ash can be used to adjust the pH level of soil. It will increase the pH levels faster than limescale. However, it’s not suitable for acid-loving plants [7][8].

Compost booster:

Wood ashes can be added to compost bins to boost the composting process [2][5].

Weed tarnisher:

Ash can be used as a natural weed tarnisher to prevent weed growth in your garden. Simply sprinkle ash on the soil around the plants [2].

Ant repellant:

Ash can also be used as an ant repellant. Sprinkle a thin layer of ash around ant hills to repel them and prevent them from coming back [2].

Pond algae control:

Ash can be used to control pond algae. Sprinkle ash on the surface of the water to increase the pH levels and reduce the growth of algae [2].

Slug and snail repellent:

Ash can be used as a natural slug and snail repellent. Sprinkle ash around the plants to deter slugs and snails from feeding on them [2][6].

Fire extinguisher:

Ash can be used as a fire extinguisher. Simply sprinkle ash on a small fire to put it out [2].


Ash can be used as a desiccant to absorb moisture. Place a small container of ash in a damp area, like a basement, to absorb moisture and prevent mold growth [2].

Odor remover:

Ash can be used as an odor remover. Place a small container of ash in your fridge or freezer to absorb odors [4].

For skin:

Ash can be used as a natural exfoliant for the skin. Mix ash with a small amount of water to form a paste, then use it to gently scrub the skin [1].

Unclog drainage:

Ash can be used to unclog drains. Mix ash with water to form a thick paste, then pour it down the drain. The abrasive properties of the ash can help remove clogs [4].

In conclusion, there are many alternative uses for fire pit ashes, from fertilizing your garden to controlling pond algae and even brushing your teeth. Before reusing fire pit ashes, make sure to research their specific properties and how they can be safely applied to each use.

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